Flexible MSO Input
Capture a mixed signals of analog and logic signals
Four channels is not sufficient to view the functioning of digital control circuits. The DLM2000 series converts 4 ch of analog input to 8-bit logic, and functions as a 3 ch analog + 8-bit logic MSO (mixed signal oscilloscope).
3 ch analog + 8-bit logic
The performance of up to 11 inputs by converting to logic
Using logic input, up to 11 input signals can be observed simultaneously as 3 ch of analog and 8-bit logic. It is not only possible to use logic input for observation of data and control signals, or as a trigger source, but also for logic
input analysis of I
C and SPI serial busses.
Fast data processing with ScopeCORE
With our proprietary ScopeCORE fast data processing IC, real time display is possible even signals of 11 inputs.